Web AR: What's Web-based augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) has exploded in popularity, transforming how we interact with the world around us. While app-based AR experiences have dominated the scene, a new frontier is emerging: Web AR. Forget downloads and installations – with Web AR, immersive experiences unfold directly within your web browser, accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Advantages of Web-based augmented reality

Web AR offers several advantages over its app-based counterparts:

  • Ubiquity: No app downloads required, so reaching a wider audience is much easier.
  • Accessibility: Works across various devices and operating systems, therefore eliminating compatibility issues.
  • Discoverability: Easily shareable URLs promote organic reach and virality.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Development can be more affordable compared to complex native apps.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrate AR experiences seamlessly within websites or marketing campaigns.

The potential is backed by impressive numbers:

  • The web-based augmented reality market is expected to reach $28.2 billion by 2028: (Grand View Research)
  • 73% of consumers are interested in using Web AR for shopping: (Snap)
  • Web-based augmented reality experiences have 2x higher engagement rates than traditional mobile ads: (ARtillery Intelligence)

Best Web AR use cases

The versatility of augmented reality for web extends far beyond playful filters. The social platforms tend to work as a walled garden, often denying database access or removing the ability to link externally. But web-based AR does not! You have full freedom over where you want to navigate the user, what external databases you want to connect to, what input you want to collect from users using forms, thereby offering an even widen range of possibilities.

  • Education: Explore historical landmarks, visualize complex concepts, and bring textbooks to life.
  • Marketing & Retail: Try on clothes virtually, visualize furniture in your space, and engage with interactive product demos.
  • Gaming & Entertainment: Immerse yourself in interactive stories, participate in location-based games, and unlock new experiences.
  • Social Sharing: Capture unique photos and videos with AR elements and share them instantly.
  • Industrial Applications: Remote training, product visualization, and maintenance assistance.

Web AR examples

1. Puma's Virtual Shoe Try-On

Sneakers are all about the look and feel. Puma's Web AR experience allowed users to virtually try on shoes directly on their feet using their phone camera. This playful and interactive experience increased engagement and brand preference, especially among younger audiences.

2. The Washington Post's 360° Capitol Riot Reconstruction

Web AR doesn't just sell products; it can tell powerful stories. The Washington Post's immersive AR experience for web transported users to the heart of the Capitol Riot, offering a 360° view of the events and their impact. Because of that impact, this innovative storytelling approach garnered critical acclaim and fostered deeper audience understanding.

3. L'Oreal's Virtual Makeup Bar

Trying on different makeup shades can be time-consuming and messy. L'Oreal's Virtual Try-on makeup bar eliminates the hassle. Users can virtually try on various lipstick shades and eyeshadow colors in real-time, which led to increased product discovery and online purchases.

4. National Geographic's Wildlife Encounters

Bringing the wild to life, National Geographic's web-based AR experience allows users to encounter amazing animals in their natural habitat directly on their phone screens. This educational and immersive experience fosters appreciation for wildlife and conservation efforts.

These are just a few examples of how brands are using web-based augmented reality to push boundaries and connect with audiences in meaningful ways. As technology evolves and adoption grows, expect even more creative and impactful campaigns in the future that use this technology.

Getting Started with Web AR

Embracing web-based augmented reality is easier than ever. There's a variety of tools out there, that will help you kickstart development. Although development for Web AR is generally more complex than development for social media filters, there are loads of tutorials and plenty of documentation out there.

  • Development Tools: Explore platforms like A-Frame, WebARonARKit, and 8th Wall to build your own experiences.
  • Pre-built Solutions: Utilize existing AR libraries and frameworks for faster development.
  • Start Small: Experiment with simple interactions and focus on user experience.
  • Collaborate: Partner with AR specialists for complex projects and technical expertise, like ourselves!

Ready to get started? We're here to help! Our team of Web AR experts combines creativity, technical prowess, and strategic thinking to craft cutting-edge experiences that captivate, engage, and drive results. Partner with us, and together we can:

  • Conceptualize groundbreaking Web AR experiences that align with your unique goals and target audience.
  • Bring your vision to life with seamless development and integration, ensuring a flawless user experience across all devices.
  • Measure and analyze results to continuously optimize your campaign and maximize its impact.

The Future of Web AR

In conclusion, with advancements in technology and growing user adoption, Web AR is poised to revolutionize various industries. Imagine virtual tours conducted through websites, interactive learning experiences embedded in online courses, and product try-ons accessible with a single click. The possibilities are limitless.

Dive into the world of Web AR today and unlock a universe of possibilities where the real and digital seamlessly blend, creating unforgettable experiences for your audience and propelling your business forward.