Make your AR filter successful: PT.2

We recently shared five tips and tricks (which you can find here) to make sure your filter is not only seen by your followers but also used. But, we came up with 4 more tips to make your AR filter successful and hopefully have it going viral.

4. Fun

Have some fun! If your followers think your filter is fun to see and use, they’re more likely to share them with their friends.

5. Useful

You can also choose to make your filter useful to people. For example; for one client we have created a couch that you can place anywhere in your house using your phone’s camera and walk around it to see if it suits your interior. An example is a project we did for Briscoes, where you can try their furniture in AR.

Furniture try-out
AR usage of interior
6. Topical

Make sure the topic of the filter is up-to-date and accurate. No one wants to wear last year’s fashion, we all want to hop on the trend train.

7. Share, share, and share!

The easiest, yet the most valuable tip is to start by sharing your own filter on your stories and add them to highlights on your Instagram profile. Let your followers know that you have a filter they can use! Want to know the other side of AR, such as web-based augmented reality? Check out the article here.

With these extra tips & tricks, you will have the key elements to make an AR filter successful. The advertising landscape is evolving, and immersive technology is leading the charge. Picture this: the new generation demands ads seamlessly woven into their experiences. It's not about creating ads; it's about crafting immersive moments that resonate. Take a cue from TikTok's golden rule: Don't make ads, make TikToks. The power of immersive tech lies in its ability to break free from traditional advertising constraints, offering a fresh, interactive, and captivating approach that captivates audiences. 💥