Social AR - filters that enhance the social interaction with brands

Imagine scrolling through your favorite social media feed and suddenly transforming into a character from your favorite TV show, or virtually trying on sunglasses before buying them. This is the magic of social augmented reality (AR) filters, where digital elements blend seamlessly with our everyday experiences, right from the palm of our hands.

From playful face filters to immersive adventures, AR filters are changing the way we engage with content and express ourselves online. Let's delve into this captivating technology:

Why dive into Social AR?

The reasons to dive into the world of social AR are as varied as they are compelling:

  • Boost engagement: Grab attention, spark curiosity, and enhance interaction with your content.
  • 75% of consumers spend more time with brands using AR: (Blippar)
  • Enhance Storytelling: Craft immersive narratives that go beyond static visuals and videos.
  • AR advertising generates 34% higher click-through rates: (ARtillery Intelligence)
  • Visualize Products: Allow users to virtually try on clothes, test makeup, or preview furniture in their own space.
  • 41% of consumers consider buying a product after trying it on virtually: (Snapchat)
  • Add a Gamified Twist: Infuse games, challenges, and educational experiences with interactive elements.
  • AR games boast an average completion rate of 70%, compared to 3% for traditional mobile games: (ARtillery Intelligence)
  • Express yourself: Explore different personas through virtual makeovers.

Where Can You Find Social AR?

AR filters aren't confined to a single platform anymore. Here's a glimpse at the diverse playground:

  • Snapchat: A trailblazer in AR, Snapchat offers playful Lenses with interactive features to 293 million daily active users globally.
  • Instagram: Known for its aesthetic filters, Instagram is catching up with AR effects and face enhancements, delighting its 2 billion monthly active users.
  • TikTok: Dynamic and trendy, TikTok hosts user-generated AR filters and effects, fueling viral trends and creative expression for its 1 billion monthly active users.

Which programs are used to create Social AR filters with

The gateway to AR filter creation has never been more accessible! Consider these options:

  • Snapchat Lens Studio: A user-friendly platform with tutorials and resources for crafting Lenses tailored to Snapchat.
  • Spark AR Studio by Meta: Build AR experiences for Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger using this robust platform.
  • Third-party AR creation tools: Many companies offer specialized AR creation tools suited to various needs and skill levels.

How to get started with social AR as a brand

Entering the AR scene should be exciting, but still can be a bit stressful. Here are some of our beginners’ tips, in case you have an AR filter idea for social media:

  • Start small, aim big: Define a clear goal for your AR filter and focus on achieving it.
  • User experience matters: Ensure your filter is user-friendly, intuitive, and enjoyable.
  • Know your platforms: Different platforms have different functionalities; tailor your filter accordingly.
  • Foster creativity: With AR filters, imagination knows no bounds, so no holding back!

In the world of social media, it’s your goal to stand out

From straight-up fun to effective marketing tools, AR filters offer many ways to captivate audiences and redefine storytelling. So, take the plunge, explore, and amaze your audience with this new type of advertising. Curious to see the impact of our social AR filters, crafted for some of the world's biggest brands? Take a look at our portfolio here!