NEW: Web AR with Snap's web lenses

Get ready for a revolution in branded augmented reality experiences! Snap's innovative launch of Hosted web-AR Lenses throws open the doors for brands to leverage the power of AR without needing any web development expertise.

What's Snap's game changer?

Previously, creating a branded AR experience often meant partnering with a developer to build a web app or integrate AR elements into existing social media platforms. Hosted web AR Lenses removes these barriers. Now, with just a few clicks, any approved Lens created in Snap's Lens Studio can be published directly to the web with a unique URL hosted by Snap itself.

Web-AR with endless possibilities

This opens a treasure trove of possibilities for brands to engage with their audience in exciting new ways:

  • Frictionless web AR experiences: Imagine a clothing brand creating a virtual try-on Lens accessible directly from their website. No app download needed! Customers can simply visit a URL and see how different outfits look on them in real-time (like we did here).
  • Interactive marketing scavenger hunts: Planning a promotional event? Ditch the social media limitations. Design a Lens with hidden clues or interactive elements and share a unique URL. Participants can access the AR experience through their web browser, making the scavenger hunt accessible and removing the need for a specific app (as seen in this case for Albert Heijn).
  • Product displays in web AR: Showcase furniture or homeware products directly within a customer's living room using web AR.  They can virtually place a 3D model of a couch or lamp to see how it fits their space before committing to a purchase (view an example here).

Full power of Snap AR in web

The best part? Web AR Lenses support all the incredible AR features Snap offers, including face-tracking, hand-tracking, and even foot-tracking. This opens the door for truly immersive experiences that can inform, entertain, and leave a lasting impression on your audience. (Note: Image-tracking is currently not supported (yet) with web AR Lenses.)

Getting started with web AR

Ready to jump into the world of web AR? The process is refreshingly simple. Just go to Snap AR, and the My Lenses portal within Snap Lens Studio, enable the Hosted WebAR Lens toggle, and voila! Your Lens is live on the web, ready to be shared with the world.

With Snap's innovative web AR launch, brands now have the power to create seamless and engaging AR experiences that can significantly enhance brand awareness, customer engagement, and product interaction. It's a win-win for creators and brands alike, setting the standard for a future filled with boundless AR creativity. Interested in having your own web AR activation? Contact us here to discuss all the possibilities.