Snapchat Camera for Google Chrome

Remember that time a lawyer accidentally appeared in court with a kitty filter? Hilarious video here.  While that might not be the most professional look for a virtual court appearance, it highlights the potential of augmented reality (AR) to add a touch of fun and engagement to even the most serious of video calls.

The lawyer struggling to delete the kitten filter during an online court meeting. (Source)

That's where Snapchat's new Chrome extension comes in. Snap Camera for Chrome lets you add those fun Snapchat Lenses to your video calls, opening up a world of possibilities for businesses to add personality and interactivity to their communications.

We're all about the potential of AR to revolutionize the way we connect. So, let's dive into three reasons why your company absolutely needs a Snapchat Lens for your next video call:
1. Boost Brand Recognition:
Develop a custom AR lens that reflects your brand identity. Think playful product filters like a virtual pair of sunglasses for your new eyewear line, or a mascot that dances around during team meetings. This not only creates a memorable experience but subtly reinforces your brand image in a fun way.

2. Break the Ice and Drive Engagement: Let's face it, video calls can feel stiff.  AR filters can be a great way to lighten the mood and encourage interaction.  Imagine using a "who wore it best" filter during brainstorming sessions, or a teamwork-themed filter to celebrate project milestones. These lighthearted moments can foster stronger connections within your team.

3. Enhance Product Demos and Presentations: AR filters can be powerful tools for showcasing your products or services.  Think of a virtual try-on experience for clothing stores, or an interactive filter that allows viewers to explore the features of a new gadget. This immersive approach can grab attention and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

Already know for which calls you're going to use those hilarious lenses? Check the article here on how to install it on your device. Meanwhile, all our meetings look like this from now on:

A typical meeting with the arfected team.

We believe it can be a powerful tool for businesses to stand out from the crowd, connect with their audience on a deeper level, and ultimately, drive growth. So, get started with AR as an innovative and creative tool, for a more engaging and interactive online experience! Curious to see what our creative team can do for you? Contact us here.