Augmented Reality filters: Best practices and know-how's

Imagine trying on virtual glasses before buying, transforming into your favorite cartoon character, or exploring alien landscapes without leaving your living room. Augmented reality (AR) filters make it all possible, seamlessly blending digital elements with the real world in real-time.

From playful face filters to immersive experiences, AR filters are revolutionizing how we interact with content and express ourselves online. Here's a breakdown of this exciting technology:

Why Use AR Filters?

The reasons to use AR filters are diverse and constantly evolving:

  • Boost Engagement: Capture attention, spark curiosity, and increase interactivity with your content.
  • 75% of consumers spend more time with brands using AR: (Blippar)
  • Enhance Storytelling: Create immersive experiences that go beyond static images and videos.
  • AR advertising generates 34% higher click-through rates: (ARtillery Intelligence)
  • Product Visualization: Allow users to try on clothes, test makeup, or see furniture in their space before purchase.
  • 41% of consumers consider buying a product after trying it on virtually: (Snapchat)
  • Gamification: Add an interactive element to games, challenges, and educational experiences.
  • AR games see an average completion rate of 70%, compared to 3% for traditional mobile games: (ARtillery Intelligence)
  • Self-Expression: Unleash your creativity and explore different personas through virtual transformations.

What platforms offer AR?

AR filters are no longer limited to a single platform. Here's a glimpse into the diverse landscape:

  • Snapchat: Pioneering AR experiences, Snapchat offers playful Lenses with interactive elements and face tracking to 293 million daily active users globally.
  • Instagram: Known for its aesthetic filters, Instagram is catching up with AR features like face effects and interactive backgrounds, offering it to 2 billion monthly active users.
  • TikTok: Trendy and dynamic, TikTok boasts user-generated AR filters and effects, fueling viral challenges and creative expression to an audience of 1 billion monthly active users.
  • Web AR: Access AR experiences directly through web browsers, no app download required, ideal for marketing campaigns and product demos with broad audiences.

Create your own AR filters

The barrier to entry for AR filter creation is lower than ever! Here are some options:

  • Snapchat Lens Studio (LINK): A user-friendly platform with tutorials and resources to design and publish Lenses for Snapchat.
  • Spark AR Studio by Meta (LINK): Build AR experiences for Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger with this robust platform.
  • 8th Wall (LINK): Create interactive web-based AR experiences without coding knowledge.
  • Third-party AR creation tools (LINK): Many companies offer specialized AR creation tools catering to specific needs and skill levels.

How to get started with augmented reality filters as a brand?

The world of AR may seem daunting, but we're more than happy to help you navigate it. The steps to start implementing AR in your marketing efforts don't have to be huge, and you don't have to break the bank for it either.

  • Start small and focus on a clear goal. What do you want your AR filter to achieve?
  • Prioritize user experience. Ensure your filter is easy to use, intuitive, and enjoyable.
  • Consider technical limitations. Different platforms have varying functionalities and capabilities.
  • Embrace creativity! The possibilities with AR filters are endless, so explore and experiment.

With AR filters, the possibilities are endless. From fun filters to powerful marketing tools, they offer a unique way to engage audiences and push the boundaries of storytelling. So, dive in, explore, and create your own slice of augmented reality magic!